Focussed women's health offering innovative, individual and up-to-date care

Kate Richardson is a specialist Obstetrician Gynaecologist at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital with a special interest in minimal access (keyhole) surgery.

About kate
Dr Kate
Dr Kate

Kate Richardson

Kate completed her medical training at the University of Cape Town, graduating in 2000. After that she developed a passion for obstetrics and gynaecology and spent many years working in this field, both in South Africa and the United Kingdom. She went on to complete her Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2011 through the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa with most of her training taking place at Groote Schuur Hospital in the Western Cape.

More about Kate

Kate has spent the past decade working in private practice at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital, where she has developed her particular skills and interest in minimal access surgery.

Minimal access surgery (also known as keyhole surgery) is an evidence-based surgical technique that is less invasive. Benefits include enhanced recovery, shorter hospital stays, reduced pain and blood loss, better cosmetic results, and earlier mobilisation and return to normal function.

Kate uses minimal access surgery for the following procedures:
> Hysterectomies
> Management of pelvic pain and endometriosis
> Removal of fibroids
> Management of cysts
> Management of ovarian pathology
> Prolapse procedures

Kate is passionate and dedicated to her patients and aims to provide a space where her patients feel listened to and safe. She strives to tailor treatment options to the specific needs of each individual and to provide her patients with information and options that allow them to make autonomous decisions that best serve them.


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MBChB, UCT (2000)
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Fellowship of the College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of South Africa: FCOG(SA), UCT (2011)
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Bachelor in Endoscopy, The European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery (2016)
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Certification in Minimally Invasive Gynaecological Surgery, The European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery (2017)


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 Minimal access surgery (keyhole surgery) 

Minimal access surgery (also known as keyhole surgery) is an evidence-based surgical technique that is less invasive. Benefits include enhanced recovery, shorter hospital stays, reduced pain and blood loss, better cosmetic results, and earlier mobilisation and return to normal function.

Kate performs minimal access surgery for the following procedures:
> Hysterectomies
> Management of pelvic pain and endometriosis
> Removal of fibroids
> Management of cysts
> Management of ovarian pathology
> Prolapse procedures

Chronic pelvic pain (pelvic surgery) and endometriosis

Kate has a special interest in pelvic surgery and issues related to chronic pelvic pain.

She performs pelvic surgeries using evidence-based, minimally invasive techniques (minimal access surgery, as explained above).

Pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse is when 1 or more of the organs in the pelvis slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina. It can be the womb (uterus), bowel, bladder or top of the vagina. A prolapse is not life threatening, but it can cause pain and discomfort. Women with pelvic organ prolapse may feel uncomfortable pressure during physical activity or sex. Other symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse include: Seeing or feeling a bulge or "something coming out" of the vagina. A feeling of pressure, discomfort, aching, or fullness in the pelvis.

Urinary complaints (incontinence)

Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control due to various different causes. Treatment options include medication or minor surgical procedures.

Kate's other gynaecological services include:

  • Routine annual gynaecological assessments
  • Contraceptive counselling and procedures
  • The management of:
    > Infertility (investigations and ovulation induction)
    > Abnormal uterine bleeding
    > Menopause
    > Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • The performance of:
    > Cervical cancer screening and colposcopy
    > Major and minor gynaecological procedures


Dr Kate holding a newborn baby

Comprehensive antenatal (prenatal) care

Client to provide a short paragraph about what this entails plus treatment approach.

Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care, is a type of preventive healthcare. It is provided in the form of medical check-ups, consisting of recommendations on managing a healthy lifestyle and the provision of medical information such as maternal physiological changes in pregnancy, biological changes, and prenatal nutrition including prenatal vitamins, which prevents potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy and promotes the mother and child's health alike. The availability of routine prenatal care, including prenatal screening and diagnosis, has played a part in reducing the frequency of maternal death, miscarriages, birth defects, low birth weight, neonatal infections and other preventable health problems.

Natural birth

Client to provide a short paragraph about what this entails plus treatment approach.

Natural childbirth is a "low-tech" way of giving birth by letting nature take its course. This may include: going through labour and delivery without the help of medications, including pain relievers such as epidurals.

Caesarean section

Client to provide a short paragraph about what this entails plus treatment approach.

Your treatment approach?

Caesarean section, also known as C-section, or caesarean delivery, is the surgical procedure by which one or more babies are delivered through an incision in the mother's abdomen, often performed because vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk.

Vaginal birth after c-section (VBAC)

Client to provide a short paragraph about what this entails plus treatment approach.

If you have had a caesarean delivery (also called a C-section) before, you may be able to deliver your next baby vaginally. This is called vaginal birth after caesarean, or VBAC.

Multiple pregnancies

Client to edit following paragraph, if needed (elaborate on treatment approach) 
A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy where you're carrying more than one baby at a time. If you're carrying two babies, they are called twins. Three babies that are carried during one pregnancy are called triplets. You can also carry more than three babies at one time (high-order multiples).

Postnatal (postpartum) care

Client to edit following paragraph, if needed (elaborate on treatment approach) 
The postpartum period refers to the first six weeks after childbirth. This is a joyous time, but it’s also a period of adjustment and healing for mothers. During these weeks, you’ll bond with your baby and you’ll have a post-delivery check-up.

High-risk obstetric care

Client to edit following paragraph, if needed (elaborate on treatment approach) 
Dr Richardson specialises in pregnancy-related complications including miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies.

  • Comprehensive antenatal care

  • Natural birth

  • Caesarean section

  • Vaginal Birth After C-section (VBAC)

  • Multiple pregnancies

  • Postnatal (postpartum) care

  • High-risk obstetric care

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Patient reviews

What our patients say

“Keep up the excellent service”

Went to see Dr Richardson in the week. I was very nervous and anxious but she had so much compassion, was caring and it put me at ease. She is an excellent gynaecologist. Very caring about her patients and after leaving her rooms it felt like i gained a friend for life...will definitely be my gynecologist from now on. And to the receptionist Amiera, wow! just so excellent and caring and compassion to help and assist. Keep up the excellent service

Zulfah Amod

“The good doctor did wonders!!”

She's a fairy, I forgot to test for Covid-19 and had to wait in the maternity ward until she came to the rescue.

Thank you Dr Kate and your team!

Linda Lee Mayekiso

“Wonderful doctor”

Wonderful doctor, quite literally saved the lives of my wife and unborn child when my wife had a placental abruption 2 months before her due date.

Gary Jacobson
admin / finance

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your consultation fees and payment terms?

As our rates change from time to time, please send an enquiry regarding your required treatment request to Amira or Sanet at or give us a call on 021 531 9933 for more information.

What information do I need when I attend my appointment?

Please bring your medical aid details. It is also helpful to have a summary of your medical records and a list of medication or supplements you are currently taking.

What can I expect at my appointment?

At your appointment you can expect to have a detailed consultation and examination. This will include a urine analysis, general examination, gynaecological examination and PAP smear. You may also require an ultrasound scan, depending on the nature of your complaint. Should you require further investigations, this will be discussed with you and depends on the nature of your complaint.

Can I bring someone to the consultation with me?

Yes, you are welcome to bring your partner along. If you would like to or need to bring your children along for antenatal visits, kindly do so by prior arrangement via email: or 021 531 9933

How do I pay for my consultation?

After seeing Dr, you will be provided with an invoice. This account is to be settled at the end of your appointment. We have credit/debit card facilities in our rooms for your convenience. An invoice/statement and receipt will be printed or emailed for submission by yourself to your medical aid for reimbursement.

How do I make an appointment?

You are welcome to contact our rooms at Vincent Pallotti Hospital. Amira or Sanet will assist you in finding a suitable appointment depending on your needs and the urgency of your concern.   
Telephone: 021 531 9933

Do you provide after-hours and emergency services?

Our practice is part of a call system which provides 24 hour emergency cover to all of our patients.

In case of any gynaecological emergency, please present to the Life Vincent Pallotti Casualty Unit where the casualty officer will take a history, examine you, provide initial treatment, and refer to the obstetrician gynaecologist on call for the hospital to assist in resolving your medical problem.

For any obstetric emergency after 24 weeks, please present to the Maternity Unit, 1st Floor at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospitall. You will be admitted to the labour ward by one of our dedicated midwives. After assessment, the midwife will refer to the obstetrician gynaecologist on call for the hospital to assist as required.


What information must I bring to my first gynaecology consultation?

It is always helpful to have a summary of your medical aid details, medical records and a list of medication or supplements you are currently taking.

When must I start seeing a gynaecologist?

International guidelines suggest a woman begin to see a gynaecologist once they become sexually active or after the age of 21 years. It is however important to see a gynaecologist if there are any women's health concerns before this time, for example suffering from menstrual problems, vaginal issues, planning pregnancy, etc.

Do I need to be referred to make an appointment to see you?

No referral is needed to make an appointment to see Dr Kate. Should you, however be referred by another practitioner, we may, at your request ask that you provide us with these contact details in order for us to send feedback regarding your medical condition of concern.

How often should I see my gynaecologist?

International guidelines advise women to see their gynaecologist annually, unless advised otherwise.

I have irregular, painful periods, what should I do?

There may be any causes of irregular, painful periods. We suggest you make an appointment to see Dr Kate who will take a thorough history, examine you and advise regarding further investigations or tests you may require. She will also assist in individualising a treatment plan to assist with your problem and advise regarding ongoing management.

What can I expect at my first gynaecology consultation?

At your gynaecology examination, can expect to have a detailed consultation and examination. This will include a urine analysis, general examination, gynaecological examination and PAP smear. You may also require an ultrasound scan, depending on the nature of your complaint.

What should I do if my PAP smear is abnormal?

A routine gynaecological examination includes a PAP smear. During the procedure, Dr Kate will discuss with you the reasons for the procedure and the protocols we have in place in our practice in dealing with investigations and results. As per your preference, you will be contacted with the result of the test whether normal or abnormal. Should the test be abnormal, these results will be discussed in detail and an individualised treatment plan to deal with the identified problem.

Do you give contraceptive advice?

During your consultation, Dr Kate will assist in advising you on all appropriate, available contraceptive options and enabling you in deciding the best solution for your contraceptive and family planning needs.


Answer TBC

I struggle with urinary incontinence, what should I do?

This can often be a very sensitive problem to discuss with your doctor and Dr Kate suggests you make an appointment to see her, so that your complaint may be discussed carefully and privately. Kate has a special interest in women with incontinence and other related issues and after taking a careful history, performing a detailed examination, she will advise regarding treatment and management options available to address your problem.


Do I need to see you before I fall pregnant?

It may not always be possible to see your gynaecologist before you fall pregnant, however a prenatal visit can count in your favour as it is is an opportunity to ensure your health is optmised prior to falling pregnant.

What can I expect during an obstetric consultation?

During a routine obstetric consultation, you can expect to meet with Dr Kate to discuss and address any concerns or complaints you may have relating to the pregnancy. She will examine you, check your vitals signs, weight and perform a urinalysis. She will likely perform an ultrasound scan to determine fetal's growth and development. During this consultation you are encouraged to ask any questions you have regarding the pregnancy and anticipated delivery.

How many antenatal visits do I need?

We usually expect to see our obstetric patients approximately 12 times during the pregnancy, however, Every pregnancy is different and should there be a clinical problem or concern with the baby, we may wish for you to see Dr Kate more often. This will be advised on an individual basis and discussed with you in detail during your pregnancy.

What should I do if I have an obstetric problem during my pregnancy?

Following your booking visit (1st obstetric visit of the pregnancy) you will be given contact numbers for the practice and the hospital. Should any problem arise, please contact our rooms during office hours and either Amira or Sanet will assist you further.

What do I do when I go into labour?

We offer 24 hour emergency obstetric care. After 25 weeks of pregnancy (?? check weeks), please present immediately to the Labour Ward, Magnolia, 1st floor, Vincent Pallotti Hospital - Tel: 021 506 5165/66.

You will be received by one of our dedicated midwives who will admit you to our Labour Ward. The midwife will assist in your initial assessment and ensure the safety of the baby before referring to the specialist Obstetrician gynaecologist on call for the hospital.Please note that all our deliveries are performed at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital.
All delivery and surgical fees exclude associated hospital and anaesthetic accounts.

Please do ask for any further information regarding expected fees related to the pregnancy and delivery.

How soon should I make an appointment after falling pregnant?

You are welcome to contact our rooms as soon as you receive this wonderful news! We will assist in addressing any concerns you may have and ensure you have an appropriate appointment date booked. We usually encourage antenatal patients to ensure their booking visit is around 8 to 9 weeks gestation, which we calculate by using the first day of your last menstrual period.

Do I need an ultrasound scan or tests before I come?

No scans or tests are needed before your appointment. At your booking visit or first antenatal consultation, Dr Richardsson will provide you with a referral to Lancet or Pathcare for bloods to be done at 10 weeks and a Fetal Assessment Centre referral for your detailed trans-nuchal scan that is performed between 11 and 13 weeks.

Does an antenatal consultation include a scan?

The need for imaging of your baby is decided on an individual bases depending on the stage of pregnancy and as it relates to any pregnancy related problems. Dr Kate will advise regarding this, however it is not uncommon for her to perform a growth scan at your antenatal visit.

What happens if I have an obstetric emergency?

We offer 24 hour emergency obstetric care. All antenatal patients over 25 weeks are advised to report straight to the Labour Ward (Magnolia, 1st Floor Life Vince Pallotti Hospital 0215065165/66) for admission to the labour ward by one of our dedicated midwives.
All patients before 25 weeks may report to the Casualty Unit at Life Vincent Pallotti Hospital. The casualty officer will assist in admission and stabilising any critical condition.

After hours and on weekends, the specialist Obstetrician Gynaecologist on call for the hospital will be contacted to assist. Should you require assistance during office hours, please dont hesitate to also contact our rooms and we will assist in advising you further.

We are ready to assist you

Life Vincent Palloti Hospital, Alexandra Road, Pinelands Suite 112